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电话: 057466310098
姓名: Stephen
cixi bozhiyang fishing Co.,ltd

  We are specialized in producing emulational baits for fishing,which are soft,soft-hard,lead,sheet iron fish and etc,especially and mainly for the soft *域名隐藏* baits are vivid and living,which have unmatched good quality of the field,especially basing on the reasonable and rivalrous prices. There are more than 200 itmes of baits *域名隐藏* also can carry out producing as to customers samples and brands with our unique *域名隐藏* products now enjoy a high reputation at home and abroad,and they are popular in North America,South America,Europes,Australia,and Southeast Asia *域名隐藏* aim to quality and reputation at the most. Warmly welcome all foreign and domestic customers to cooperate w...

主要产品/业务: fishing lures,fishing reels,fishing rods

cixi bozhiyang fishing Co.,ltd / 浙江 / 浙江省慈溪市 (315300 ) / 电话:057466310098

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